vrijdag, december 24, 2010

Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy 2011

To everybody viewing Our (B)log - House in Finland
We wish you "Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy 2011".

Our Lummilyhty in Holland

How to make a lummilyhty:

donderdag, augustus 19, 2010

Handy craft

Just before leaving again, some spare time for some real handy craft.
A bench and a stool always handy to have around.
The bench fits nicely in the hall.

donderdag, augustus 05, 2010

Major projects finished.

All major projects are done.The house painted, strip around the house completed and the little 'house' for the firewood made.
Well, there are still some things left but they can wait even until next year.
All together satisfied with the work done, despite the extreme temperatures this summer. In the weeks to come we need to clean up, for our summer is almost over.

maandag, juli 19, 2010

Paint job almost finished

To day we had a perfect morning for painting, so I could finnish the last wall of the house.
Left is the finishing touch and the porch in front of the house for an extra layer.
I also added a picture of the parking lot extension under construction.

zondag, juli 18, 2010

Beatiful flowers in 'tropical' Finland'

Despite the high temperature the flowers in the garden are blooming beautiful.
Have a look yourself.
A visit to the summerhouse was a good choise to cool down in 'tropical' Finland.

vrijdag, juli 16, 2010


Since my last message July 2 the temperature has gone up to tropical values.
Work came to a total stop and I have to hide in the shade or in the house.
Even during the night the temperature does not drop lower than about 20 ℃.
Next week looks promising 25 in daytime and 16 during the night.
Everything is ready for the paint-job to finish.
For now rest only reading, drinking (water!) and relaxing, good but for me not too long.

vrijdag, juli 02, 2010

New job

The strip around the house still needed a finish, so I ordered some material, crushed rock.
If you are around, give me a hand.

Paint job progresses

Summer flowers

woensdag, juni 23, 2010

New furniture piece

A day out to Strömfors Ruukki in Ruotsinpyhtää

The yearly trip with the men of Jaala went this year to the historical Strömfors Ruukki, an iron-factory settled 250 years ago in Ruotsinpyhtää. Main products were nails and horseshoes which were exported to Amsterdam, Barcelona and many other places in Europe.

maandag, juni 14, 2010

WK 2010

Work such as painting is pretty quiet in recent days due to the weather and the 2010 World Cup.
For the Netherlands the World Cup started well with a win vs Denmark.
I do hope the weather will be a bit sunnier soon, for the whole day in front of the TV is not good for my condition.

dinsdag, juni 08, 2010

donderdag, juni 03, 2010

Paint job

I have started to paint the house. A big job which will take a while.

maandag, mei 24, 2010

Under 'cover' II

Some design changes. An overhang and some extra tiles.


Still an item about building the house.
Already a couple of years I noticed a very high water pressure. Probably that caused a big problem with the dishwasher some time ago, also the hoses for watering the garden got thicker than it should be when the water pressure was on. Talking about it with my neighbor I found out that he had a pressure regulator installed. Nobody gave me ever a hint that it was necessary to install such a regulator. So I bought one in Holland as well as a pressure gauge. After we got here I installed the set before I turned on the water main tap. I have set the pressure at about 4 atm. and it looked right now. Something to keep in mind for a next time.

Under 'cover'

With some old material, I found in the garage, I managed to create a roof over the woodpile. It can dry now without getting wet after every shower. I'm thinking of closing it at some sides.

vrijdag, mei 21, 2010


A bit more than a week went by and Mother Nature colored everything green.
What a bit of rain and lots of sun can do, incredible.

Work in progress and ahead

As usual there is a lot of work.
Our neighbor, Paavo, gave me almost 1 m3 of wood. So a lot of cutting and piling up. The usual work almost every year. Further more the house needs to be painted, but the painter still needs a kick to get started.
In the garden Arja has planted some bushes with red- and blackberries and along the path she seeded some flowers and herbs.

Back again in Peiponpesä 2010

After a trip via Kiel, Göteborg, Stockholm and Turku we finally arrived at Peiponpesä.
We brought the good weather with us, 20℃ almost right away.
The first time to the summer cottage however was a mixed day with some rain.
The water in the lake is pretty high and the yetty is partly under the water.

donderdag, april 08, 2010

A beautiful snow picture of Peoponpesä in February.

vrijdag, januari 08, 2010

Winter in Jaala

Winter in Jaala, -18 Celsius, not really a place to be.