maandag, juli 19, 2010

Paint job almost finished

To day we had a perfect morning for painting, so I could finnish the last wall of the house.
Left is the finishing touch and the porch in front of the house for an extra layer.
I also added a picture of the parking lot extension under construction.

zondag, juli 18, 2010

Beatiful flowers in 'tropical' Finland'

Despite the high temperature the flowers in the garden are blooming beautiful.
Have a look yourself.
A visit to the summerhouse was a good choise to cool down in 'tropical' Finland.

vrijdag, juli 16, 2010


Since my last message July 2 the temperature has gone up to tropical values.
Work came to a total stop and I have to hide in the shade or in the house.
Even during the night the temperature does not drop lower than about 20 ℃.
Next week looks promising 25 in daytime and 16 during the night.
Everything is ready for the paint-job to finish.
For now rest only reading, drinking (water!) and relaxing, good but for me not too long.

vrijdag, juli 02, 2010

New job

The strip around the house still needed a finish, so I ordered some material, crushed rock.
If you are around, give me a hand.

Paint job progresses

Summer flowers